[Zope-Coders] Re: [Zope-dev] Moving forward with Zope 2.7

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
26 Nov 2002 11:19:59 -0500

On Tue, 2002-11-26 at 10:39, Jeffrey P Shell wrote:
> >     * configure; make; make install installation
> I thought that there was an effort to use distutils, or to at least use 
> a distutils-ish setup.  What happened to that?

It does use distutils, owing to the work of Matt Behrens and Shane on
the setup.py file.  The configure; make stuff just wraps distutils to a
large degree.

> I gather from reading other posts that this is a different format than 
> Zope 3's ZCML.  Would it be worth it to at least make some sort of 
> 'ZCML Lite' to do this sort of configuration?  The main thing I'm 
> concerned about is that there's a whole new Zope coming down the road 
> that depends heavily on configuration files, and it might make sense to 
> start weaning people onto its general syntax if Zope 2's finally going 
> to have a config file.

As other folks mentioned, we made a conscious decision to not have an
XML config file format.  That said, the "schema" (the allowable values
and sections) of the config file may be in XML and might even use ZCML
(if I can figure it out).  I have been paying attention to RDM's
checkins to the metameta stuff on the Zope 3 branch, but I still haven't
quite figured out how to use ZCML for this purpose.  I've got a homebrew
solution that does use XML now.

> Anyways - good work.  The better support for Windows services alone 
> would get you a beer if I happened to be on that coast.. :)

Thanks!  Cheapskate.  I think you owe me at least two other beers
anyway. ;-)

- C