[Zope-Coders] RE: [Zope-dev] Re: [Zope3-dev] ATTENTION! cvs tosubversion transitiontomorrow

Tim Peters tim at zope.com
Thu Apr 29 01:51:21 EDT 2004

>>    svn co svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main/<project>/trunk

> Is that supposed [to] work already?  All I've been able to get out
> of it is, e.g.,
>     C:\Code>svn co svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main/ZConfig/trunk szc2
>     svn: Connection closed unexpectedly
> where the error msg appears very quickly (usually well under a second).

Jeez Louise -- I peed away the whole night on this.  Read about 70 messages
on various lists with various people on Windows having the symptom.  Most
threads eventually fizzled out without a cure being found.  The others had a
variety of causes, none of which applied to me.  Finally hit paydirt at the
very end of:


which is a guide to setting up an svn *server* on Windows.

The ultimate problem was that my user name on zope.org is tim_one, but
that's not what svn on Windows thinks my user name is.  In fact, I still
have no idea what svn makes up for that, but it ain't tim_one.

Things that don't work:

+ The svn --username switch:

  svn co --username tim_one svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main/ZConfig/trunk
  svn: Connection closed unexpectedly

  The link above warned that this wouldn't work, which opened the

+ Embedding my user name in the URL:

  svn co svn+ssh://tim_one@svn.zope.org/repos/main/ZConfig/trunk
  svn: Connection closed unexpectedly

+ Setting the USERNAME envar (which WinXP sets automatically, and here
  I'm overriding it):

  set USERNAME=tim_one
  svn co svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main/ZConfig/trunk
  svn: Connection closed unexpectedly

+ Setting the Unixish LOGNAME envar, in poke-and-hope desperation:

  set LOGNAME=tim_one
  svn co svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main/ZConfig/trunk
  svn: Connection closed unexpectedly

+ Adding

     host svn.zope.org
     user tim_one

  to an .ssh\config file.  I think that *should* have worked, but
  it's probably a limitation of the specific for-Windows ssh.exe I'm
  using here (but which has worked fine with CVS for years, and without
  a config file).

Finally (give up <wink>?), what does work:

+ Setting the SVN_SSH envar appropriately:

  set SVN_SSH=ssh -l tim_one
  svn co svn+ssh://svn.zope.org/repos/main/ZConfig/trunk
  A  trunk\info.py
  A  trunk\datatypes.py

Aarghghgh.  Here's another that works, and this is the best:

+ Adding

     Host svn.zope.org
     User tim_one

  to an .ssh\config file.

I tried that after reading a man page for SSH_CONFIG.  It claimed that the
keywords were case-insensitive, so I figured whoever wrote the Windows
implementation must have screwed that up -- and, apparently, they did!

all-obvious-to-the-most-casual-observer-ly y'rs  - tim

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