[Zope-dev] how to start workflow instance on another zope serverwith SOAP?

Aruna Kathiriya aruna at cignex.com
Wed Aug 25 17:13:18 EDT 2004

I am very new to open source.

I am trying to start an instance of a workflow on a Zope server from another
Zope server. I did successfully with XML-RPC call but I need to do it with
SOAP. I am note sure weather I can do it or not.

I am running two Zope servers on my local m/c on 2 different ports.
One is 8080 and 2nd one is 8090.

On 8080:

Page_template  : SoapTest2

  Activate instance at other server:
<span tal:define= " l_user python:request.get('AUTHENTICATED_USER');">

    <form action="SubmitNewSoapTest2" method="post"
      <input type="file" name="p_file"><br>
      <input type="hidden" name="user" tal:attributes= "value
      <input type="hidden" name="password" value="Aruna">
      <input type="submit" value="Submit">

SubmitNewSoapTest2 is external method.
the python script for that is testTrigger as follow.

from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy
import xml.sax
def startTestInstance2(self,p_file,user,password):
   myFile =p_file.read()
#   parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
#   parser.parse(myFile)
   url = 'http://localhost:8090/'
   namespace = 'urn:xmethods-testInstance'
   server = SOAPProxy(url, namespace)
   return server.SoapTestInstance(p_file,user,password)

On 8090:
I have a python script SoapTestInstance having 3 parameters
(p_file,user,password) and following code.

 wf = context.TestFlow
 i_id = wf.addInstance('TestProcess', '', '', '', 0)
 instance = wf.getInstance(i_id)
 instance.manage_addFile(id="theFile", file=p_file, title="")
 wf.activateWorkitem(i_id, '0', user )
 wf.completeWorkitem(i_id, '0')
 return "created new instance with code %s" % i_id

It gives me following error.
Error Type: SAXParseException
Error Value: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd:31:2: error in
processing external entity reference

Any help will be appriciated. I already stucked here..

Aruna Kathiriya
CIGNEX Technologies, Inc
T:    408.501.0455 x 306
F:    408.273.6785
C:    408.896.1330
E:    harish at cignex.com
U:    www.cignex.com
"Implement IT Right"

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