[Zope-dev] Use Z SQL methon in projects

Leonardo Rochael Almeida leo at hiper.com.br
Mon Mar 29 16:54:25 EST 2004

Hi R33t,

On Sat, 2004-03-27 at 14:35, R33t wrote:
> [...] The problem I have now is that I don't know how to manage to
> export my Z SQL method getNewsletters to my product folder and register
> it to Zope from within python when my product gets installed, so that
> the template can call this method like before...I don't want the users
> of my product to manually create this Z SQL method when they install the
> newsletter system. Is it possible at all or do I have to start all over
> again?

I don't know about exporting your ZSQLMethods for the filesystem. As for
importing them, take a look at the SQL authentication and property
sources for exUserFolder. They populate folderlike objects with
ZSQLMethods upon initialization.


Cheers, Leo

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