[Zope-dev] Re: Bad interaction between Zope 2.7.3 and CMF 1.4

Tres Seaver tseaver at zope.com
Tue Oct 12 13:47:42 EDT 2004

Tres Seaver wrote:
> Dieter Maurer wrote:
>> Tres Seaver wrote at 2004-10-9 12:04 -0400:
>>> Stefan H. Holek wrote:
>>>> While testing a large-ish customer project under Zope 2.7.3 we found 
>>>> that
>>>> when an object with setDefaultAccess('deny') is used as the context for
>>>> a PythonScript, the script can no longer aquire tools from the portal
>>>> root.
>>> *By definition*, anybody who has declared 'setDefaultAccess('deny') 
>>> *wants* the behavior you describe:  that declaration says, "unless I 
>>> give you explicit permission for using a name, refuse."
>> I do *NOT* think that this is the intended semantics of
>> "setDefaultAccess('deny')".
>> In my view, "setDefaultAccess(XXX)" should only affect objects
>> that do not have security declarations themselves.
>> Acquired tools have security declarations -- they should not be
>> affected by "setDefaultAccess".
>>> If Plone has classes which make such assertions, then either the 
>>> authors *meant* them, or they need to be removed.  This is 
>>> (literally) the same thing as declaring 
>>> '__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 0' in your class.
>> With this name, it becomes even clearer:
>>   Acquires tools are neither "unprotected" nor "subobjects".
> Hmm, I tried writing a test te verify that my change (after 2.7.2) had 
> modified the security policy's behavior.  Here is the test, which I 
> expected to pass on the head of the 2.7 branch, but fail on 2.7.2:
> --- lib/python/AccessControl/tests/testZopeSecurityPolicy.py    27 Jan 
> 2004 19:22:36 -0000
> +++ lib/python/AccessControl/tests/testZopeSecurityPolicy.py    12 Oct 
> 2004 17:15:05 -0000
> @@ -336,6 +336,16 @@
>              else:
>                  self.fail('Policy accepted bad __roles__')
> +    def test_no_acquisition_through_paranoid(self):
> +
> +        #  Check that acquisition through a paranoid object is not 
> allowed.
> +        app = App()
> +        app.wanted = UnprotectedSimpleItem()
> +        app.enabling = UnprotectedSimpleItem()
> +        app.blocking = RestrictedSimpleItem()
> +        self.assertPolicyAllows(app.enabling, 'wanted')
> +        self.assertPolicyDenies(app.blocking, 'wanted')
> +
>  def test_suite():
>      return unittest.makeSuite(ZopeSecurityPolicyTests)
> However, it passes for both.  Anyone care to speculate why?
> Tres.

OK, so my change was specifically to 'guarded_getattr', so the test was 
exercising the wrong thing.  Note that this means that the old behaviour 
of guarded_getattr was allowing objects to be returned which wouldn't be 
validated (I think).  Here is a test for 'guarded_getattr', which 
*fails* both before and after my change:

--- lib/python/AccessControl/tests/testZopeGuards.py    16 Jan 2004 
21:04:54 -0000
+++ lib/python/AccessControl/tests/testZopeGuards.py    12 Oct 2004 
17:51:13 -0000
@@ -24,11 +24,14 @@
  import AccessControl.SecurityManagement
  from AccessControl.SimpleObjectPolicies import ContainerAssertions
  from zExceptions import Unauthorized
+from Acquisition import Explicit
  from AccessControl.ZopeGuards \
      import guarded_getattr, get_dict_get, get_dict_pop, get_list_pop, \
      get_iter, guarded_min, guarded_max, safe_builtins, 
guarded_enumerate, \
      guarded_sum, guarded_apply

+from testZopeSecurityPolicy \
+    import App, UnprotectedSimpleItem, RestrictedSimpleItem
  except NameError:
@@ -112,6 +115,17 @@
              self.assertEqual(values.args, (d, 'values'))
              ContainerAssertions[_dict] = old
+    def test_no_acquisition_through_paranoid(self):
+        #  Check that acquisition through a paranoid object is not allowed.
+        app = App()
+        app.wanted = UnprotectedSimpleItem()
+        app.enabling = UnprotectedSimpleItem()
+        app.blocking = RestrictedSimpleItem()
+        ok = self.guarded_getattr(app.enabling, 'wanted')
+        self.assertRaises(Unauthorized,
+                          self.guarded_getattr, app.blocking, 'wanted')

  class TestGuardedGetattrC(TestGuardedGetattrPy):


Tres Seaver                                tseaver at zope.com
Zope Corporation      "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.com

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