[Zope-dev] coverage.py, profile and hotshot support in Zope's testrunner

Stefane Fermigier sf at nuxeo.com
Sun Aug 21 04:20:28 EDT 2005

I have added support for coverage analysis using coverage.py from Gareth Rees 
and Ned Batchelder, as well as support for profiling using either the profile or 
hotshot modules from the Python standard library, to Zope 2's test runner test.py.


- coverage.py will let you interactively focus on the modules you want to check 
for coverage.

- profile is slow to collect data but quick for analysis.

- hotshot is fast when collecting but very slow for analysis. On the other hand, 
one can feed the great KCacheGrind tool with hotshot data after some 
transformation and this is the best way I have found so far for interactively 
exploring profile data.

Since I'm not a regular Zope commiter, I'd like to ask for comments and 
permission first before commiting.

The test.py file is here:

BTW: the patch is absolutely trivial (see attached file).

Stéfane Fermigier, Tel: +33 (0)6 63 04 12 77 (mobile).
Nuxeo Collaborative Portal Server: http://www.nuxeo.com/cps
Gestion de contenu web / portail collaboratif / groupware / open source!
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< #!/home/fermigier/bin/python
> #!/usr/bin/env python2.3
< --coverage
<     Use the coverage.py module from Gareth Rees
<     (http://www.nedbatchelder.com/code/modules/coverage.html) to collect data
<     for code coverage.  This will output trace data in a file called
<     '.coverage'. You will need to call coverage.py after the test run to
<     analyse the data (-r for a line count report, -a for annotated file).
< --profile
<     Use the profile module from the standard library to collect profiling data.
<     This will output data in a file called '.profile'. You will need to use the
<     pstats module from the standard library after the test run to analyse the
<     data.
< --hotshot
<     Use the hotshot module from the standard library to collect profiling data.
<     This will output data in a file called '.hotshot'. You will need to use the
<     hotshot.pstats module from the standard library after the test run to
<     analyse the data. You may also use the hotshot2cg script from the
<     KCacheGrind sources to create data suitable for analysis by KCacheGrind.
<     COVERAGE = False
<     PROFILE = False
<     HOTSHOT = False
<                                     "config-file=", "import-testing",
<                                     "coverage", "profile", "hotshot"])
>                                     "config-file=", "import-testing"])
<         elif k == "--coverage":
<             COVERAGE = True
<         elif k == "--profile":
<             PROFILE = True
<         elif k == "--hotshot":
<             HOTSHOT = True
<         elif COVERAGE:
<             try:
<                 from coverage import the_coverage
<             except:
<                 print "You need to install coverage.py from "
<                 print "http://www.nedbatchelder.com/code/modules/coverage.html"
<                 sys.exit()
<             the_coverage.start()
<             main(module_filter, test_filter, libdir)
<         elif PROFILE:
<             import profile
<             profile.runctx("main(module_filter, test_filter, libdir)",
<                            globals=globals(), locals=vars(), 
<                            filename=".profile")
<         elif HOTSHOT:
<             import hotshot
<             profile = hotshot.Profile(".hotshot")
<             profile.runctx("main(module_filter, test_filter, libdir)",
<                            globals=globals(), locals=vars())
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