[Zope-dev] coverage.py, profile and hotshot support in Zope's testrunner

Andreas Jung lists at andreas-jung.com
Sun Aug 21 04:35:58 EDT 2005

--On 21. August 2005 10:20:28 +0200 Stefane Fermigier <sf at nuxeo.com> wrote:

> Since I'm not a regular Zope commiter, I'd like to ask for comments and
> permission first before commiting.
> The test.py file is here:
> http://blogs.nuxeo.com/sections/blogs/fermigier/2005_08_21_coverage-py-pr
> ofile

Looks fine to me. At least put it on the trunk. If others find it useful as 
well, put it on the 2.8 branch.

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