[Zope-dev] Inhibit URL-traversal

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Fri Feb 10 13:48:26 EST 2006

Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote at 2006-2-10 10:56 +0100:
> ...
>for a product I am writing, i need to experiment with inhibiting 
>URL-traversal to the methods and subobjects of it. I still wnat the 
>methods and objects to be available via direct call, for instance:

You can use a "SiteAccess" "AccessRule" for this.

Be warned, however, that "AccessRules" can be disabled
in the URL (by a few knowing people). If this concerns you,
can can remove this feature from "AccessRule" (code modification).

> ...
>Also, can such a behaviour be imposed on templates (they being methods 
>really) and Script(Python)s?

It can -- with some difficulties:

  Templates and scripts are called because they define
  "index_html" as "None".

  If you give a template or script a non-None "index_html",
  then this object will be called instead of the template/script.


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