[Zope-dev] Re: Zope 2.11.0b1 plans

Andreas Jung lists at zopyx.com
Fri Jul 6 10:47:02 EDT 2007

--On 6. Juli 2007 16:38:44 +0200 Philipp von Weitershausen 
<philipp at weitershausen.de> wrote:

> On 6 Jul 2007, at 09:59 , Andreas Jung wrote:
>> --On 6. Juli 2007 01:48:11 +0200 Philipp von Weitershausen
>> <philipp at weitershausen.de> wrote:
>>> Andreas Jung wrote:
>>>> now that Zope 3.4.0b1 has been tagged, I plan to release Zope
>>>> 2.11.0b1
>>>> by mid-July. Objections?
>>> Like Chris, I'd rather have one or two alphas first. Why not make an
>>> alpha mid-July and perhaps a beta at the end of July?
>> Well, since we don't want to create a release-branch before the
>> first beta
>> you can of course commit your changes to the current trunk which
>> will become
>> the first beta. Or tagging the current trunk as a1 and creating the
>> tarball
>> isn't the problem. However I am convinced that all developer can/do
>> work
>> with SVN checkouts and don't depend on tarballs. But if you like a
>> dedicated alpha we can go this way. But it looks as if you want
>> more time to commit
>> changes for the 2.11 release?
> Heh, in a way, yes. Don't we all need more time? :)
> Seriously, I *do* believe there's a benefit to alphas: it reminds 3rd
> party developers, for example the whole Plone crowd, to go ahead and test
> their stuff with the upcoming Zope release.
>> So if you want an extended period for commit changes and some new
>> feature I am also fine with starting the betas later.
>> We're not slaves of release schedule. So if you tell me that you
>> need time
>> (say until the begin or middle of August) for finishing your
>> coding ..no problem.
> Nah, it's good to set a deadline, it makes lazy people like me finally
> look at some changes that should go into the trunk ;).
> Let's not postpone, at least not too much. I'd still be for an alpha
> soonish (perhaps after EuroPython)?

ok, I'll make

 - a1 around July 18th (tag against the current trunk)

 - b1 around August 8th (new 2.11 branch)

Sounds reasonable?


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