[Zope-dev] Plone vs. Zope2 was: Re: naming Zope

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Thu Apr 9 10:24:24 EDT 2009

On Apr 8, 2009, at 11:34 PM, Tres Seaver wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hanno Schlichting wrote:
>> Lennart Regebro wrote:
>>> This is only mildly confusing. It can also only get better with  
>>> time,
>>> as Plone seems to continue away from Zope 2 and onto the framework,
>>> which means we in the future may end up with Plone, Grok and BFG  
>>> being
>>> app servers on the Zope Framework.
>> The current line of thinking for Plone is about this: Plone 4 will  
>> still
>> run on Zope2. Plone 5 will run on Python 3.x and not depend on Zope2
>> anymore at all. We can all guesstimate on what kind of timeline that
>> will mean.
> There isn't going to *be* a Zope3 to run on.
>> So it's highly likely that Zope 2.12 is the last release of Zope2  
>> that
>> Plone is going to use. Maybe a Zope 2.13 once Python 2.7 is released
>> might be of interest to Plone. But otherwise I don't see any reason  
>> for
>> a new Zope 2 feature release anymore from the Plone perspective.
> Zope2 is the only game in town, as far as appservers go.

Plone could run on something like the "Zope Framework" without running  
on Zope 2.

Alternatively, Zope (2 or whatever) could use more and more Zope  
framework components so that it would become what they mean by Zope 3.

>> Plone is going to continue to use selected Zope libraries as everyone
>> else, but use Repoze or just general Python packages from all over.
>> Personally I want to move Plone from zope.i18n to Babel for  
>> example. We
>> are not bound by names or frameworks in our package choices.
> Note that unless you scrap the entire model of a Plone site as an
> application object hosted inside an appserver, you won't have a choice
> except to run atop Zope2:  the Z3 appserver is going to be even more
> moribund a year from now than it is today.

I don't agree at all with your definition of app server.


> Z2 is at least *interesting* to work with at this point;  making the  
> Z3
> appserver WSGI'fied will be hard and pointless by comparison.

Zope 3 has been wsgi-based for years now.


Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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