[Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: z3c.form/trunk/setup.py Get ready for 2.6.1 release.

Wolfgang Schnerring ws at gocept.com
Mon Feb 20 07:07:11 UTC 2012

* David Glick <davidglick at groundwire.org> [2012-02-19 22:56]:
> On 2/16/12 11:55 PM, Adam GROSZER wrote:
>> So you say that if I add
>>         entry_points={
>>             'zest.releaser.releaser.after_checkout': [
>>                 'zest_pocompile = zest.pocompile.compile:compile_in_tag',
>>                 ],
>>             },
>> to z3c.form's setup.py fullrelease will take care of the po files?
> You'll have to experiment -- the suggestion was based on what I've heard, not
> personal experience with zest.releaser.

The entrypoint looks sound at first glance, but what I'm wondering (and
rather doubting, in fact) is whether zest.releaser includes the package
it currently is releasing to its PYTHONPATH. But yeah, as David said,
you'll probably need to fiddle around with this a little.


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