[Zope-dev] [Checkins] SVN: z3c.form/trunk/setup.py Get ready for 2.6.1 release.

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Mon Feb 20 13:09:35 UTC 2012

Op 20-02-12 08:07, Wolfgang Schnerring schreef:
> * David Glick<davidglick at groundwire.org>  [2012-02-19 22:56]:
>> On 2/16/12 11:55 PM, Adam GROSZER wrote:
>>> So you say that if I add
>>>          entry_points={
>>>              'zest.releaser.releaser.after_checkout': [
>>>                  'zest_pocompile = zest.pocompile.compile:compile_in_tag',
>>>                  ],
>>>              },
>>> to z3c.form's setup.py fullrelease will take care of the po files?
>> You'll have to experiment -- the suggestion was based on what I've heard, not
>> personal experience with zest.releaser.
> The entrypoint looks sound at first glance, but what I'm wondering (and
> rather doubting, in fact) is whether zest.releaser includes the package
> it currently is releasing to its PYTHONPATH. But yeah, as David said,
> you'll probably need to fiddle around with this a little.

There is no need to add an entry point.  That is only needed in the 
setup.py of zest.pocompile itself.  You should just make sure that 
zest.pocompile is installed in the same environment as zest.releaser. 
In my case I have a central buildout with some tools and have this as 
buildout part:

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =

I think what makes this work is that zest.pocompile is included in the 
path in the generated fullrelease script, but maybe they just both need 
to be easy_installed/pipped; I don't remember from the top of my head 
how those setuptools entry points work.

What you need in your own package is a properly configured MANIFEST.in 
file.  See some examples on PyPI:

Maurits van Rees   http://maurits.vanrees.org/
Web App Programmer at Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl
"Logical thinking shows conclusively that logical thinking
is inconclusive." - My summary of Gödel, Escher, Bach

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