[Zope-dev] Products.PluggableAuthService to github?

Patrick Gerken lists at patrick-gerken.de
Tue Feb 10 12:01:15 CET 2015


Within the next two months I should be able to volunteer to have a gitlab
instance running either on our own server or on foundation server, given
I am free at my tools to use for provisioning. In that case it is just
one more gitlab server for me to keep running.
Personally I don't share the thoughts about github but find it lightly
troubling that I cannot export all information from github. Tickets and
PRs are possible, but no inline comments :-(

Best regards,


On 10.02 11:47, yuppie wrote:
> Hi Johannes!
> Johannes Raggam wrote:
> > Can I ask for migrating other repos too?
> The 7 packages mentioned in the CMF section of
> http://svn.zope.org/CMF/trunk/sources.cfg?view=co are maintained by the
> CMF community. Please use the zope-cmf at zope.org list for questions about
> CMF packages.
> > Ideally all Repos, which Plone
> > depends on are git managed. I don't know about the CMF products policy -
> > AFAIK there was some controversy regarding github.
> > I'd love to help migrating, if I can.
> I voted against using the services of GitHub Inc. for political reasons.
> (I have no problem with using Git, but the Zope Foundation just supports
> Git on GitHub or Subversion on its own servers.)
> It might be a compromise to set up a mirror on GitHub, as someone tried
> with https://github.com/zopefoundation/Products.GenericSetup
> But that just works if it is obvious the canonical repository is
> svn.zope.org, bugs should be reported to
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope-cmf and the place for discussions is
> zope-cmf at zope.org. And someone has to make sure both copies are in sync
> and releases are always made from the authoritative copy.
> Cheers,
> 	Yuppie
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