[Zope-dev] CMF on something git like? Was: Products.PluggableAuthService to github?

Patrick Gerken lists at patrick-gerken.de
Wed Feb 18 15:52:17 CET 2015


is anybody against moving CMF to
- gitlab.com
- git repos on bitbucket.org
- self hosted gitlab run by me?

If not, what are prefered options? For the self hosted thing, right now
I am running two separate gitlab servers for different organizations
together with my coworker Steffen Lindner. We set up the gitlab Servers
with Ansible and recipes from the debops project. This means, we will
always just update all the servers to newer versions and the setup is
reproducible if for any reason we fail to continue maintaining the
From what I can tell the most vocal CMF developers on this matter are
Yuppie and Charlie, so I CC both of them.

Best regards,


On 10.02 11:47, yuppie wrote:
> Hi Johannes!
> Johannes Raggam wrote:
> > Can I ask for migrating other repos too?
> The 7 packages mentioned in the CMF section of
> http://svn.zope.org/CMF/trunk/sources.cfg?view=co are maintained by the
> CMF community. Please use the zope-cmf at zope.org list for questions about
> CMF packages.
> > Ideally all Repos, which Plone
> > depends on are git managed. I don't know about the CMF products policy -
> > AFAIK there was some controversy regarding github.
> > I'd love to help migrating, if I can.
> I voted against using the services of GitHub Inc. for political reasons.
> (I have no problem with using Git, but the Zope Foundation just supports
> Git on GitHub or Subversion on its own servers.)
> It might be a compromise to set up a mirror on GitHub, as someone tried
> with https://github.com/zopefoundation/Products.GenericSetup
> But that just works if it is obvious the canonical repository is
> svn.zope.org, bugs should be reported to
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/zope-cmf and the place for discussions is
> zope-cmf at zope.org. And someone has to make sure both copies are in sync
> and releases are always made from the authoritative copy.
> Cheers,
> 	Yuppie
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