[Zope-PAS] Checked in the Challenge implementation.

Lennart Regebro regebro at nuxeo.com
Mon Sep 27 06:55:45 EDT 2004

Tino Wildenhain wrote:
> Challenger can response.setHeader/Status like usual scripts in
> publisher context if it returns something (if return value
> is true) then the challengers output overwrites any currently
> _setBody value. This way we could call multiple challengers
> in turn, each can work on the headers and only the last
> challenger which is interested in HTML output would win
> on this part.

That wouldn't take care of redirects. It also makes teh rules for 
implementing a challenger more complex. Now it is easy:

1. Scribble on response to your own desire.
2. If you want to be last (that is, if you do a setBody or a redirect), 
return 1.

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