[Zope-PAS] New to PAS

Jeff Peterson jpeterso at crary.com
Tue Jun 27 12:27:12 EDT 2006

Chris McDonough wrote:
> Jeff,
> FWIW, PAS is a framework, which is shorthand for "software that is 
> meant to be built upon that is not documented very well" ;-)
> If you give us an idea of what you want to do, I'm sure somebody can 
> point you in the right direction (even if the instruction is "look at 
> this source code file").
> In the meantime, reading the PAS interfaces in its "interfaces" 
> directory is instructive just to give you an idea of what it *can* do.
> - C
> On Jun 27, 2006, at 11:57 AM, Jeff Peterson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is there any localized documentation for using PAS?
>> I read this one: 
>> http://tech.canterburyschool.org/tech/UsingPluggableAuthentication 
>> and that helped me to get it installed and give me the general idea 
>> that I could use this.  But some more specific documentation would be 
>> nice.
>> I looked around google.com but nothing else immediately popped into 
>> view for me.
>> Regards,
>> --Jeffrey D Peterson
>> <jpeterso.vcf>
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At this point I have discerned that I likely want to use the scriptable 
plugin as I need to access an existing DB with usernames and passwords.  
What I am trying to get my hands around is how I will do that 
specifically.  I assume that I will use some combination of ZSQLMethods 
and scripts, much like I am doing currently (I am basically porting an 
existing login system written by myself that utilizes the built-in 
sessions)  PAS was suggested to me as a means to better manage the user 
not only for logging in to their account but also in applying roles, etc.

I was hoping that there was a how-to or something but since there isn't 
my only recourse is to just keep fiddling till I get it. :)  At least 
there is this list, and from my past experiences with other Zope 
developers, this should be of use.

Thanks for the fast responses, I'll look at this some more and try and 
develop some more specific and intelligent questions.


Jeffrey D Peterson

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