[ZWeb] getting it done
Paul Everitt
Mon, 03 Dec 2001 07:02:51 -0500
(Sigh, I typed a message on this last night, but Mozilla locked up when
I clicked Options->Rewrap.)
Martijn Pieters wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 01:01:10PM -0500, Paul Everitt wrote:
>>I propose we use collector.zope.org/Zope with a new keyword
>>of "zope.org" (and some new Assigned To people). (It's possible that
>>we'll need to improve the CMFCollector along the way, but I hope not.)
>>If someone proposes something else, they need to also volunteer to setup
>>and administer such a beastie.
> I think we should not use a kewyord on the Zope collector. Tres and I
> already have inventorized and talked about Zope.org trackers. There already
> is a new.zope.org Tracker at:
> http://dev.zope.org/Projects/nzot
> and there is a tracker for the current Zope.org tracker at:
> http://www.zope.org/Tracker
> Both these trackers will go away after new.zope.org is done and moved to
> www.zope.org. I want them to be replaced with a new Collector at
> collector.zope.org, one especially for the ZOpe.org website.
> For now, I think that the new.zope.org tracker is more than sufficient for
> the task at hand. I can always add supporters to that one.
Sorry, I had forgotten about that one. Thanks for reminding us. I'll
let Seb and Alan take first crack at making decisions on things like
this. Guys, are we using this tracker or setting up something different
somewhere else?
>>Second, we need to setup our communications facilities. We need to know
>>who is participating, there email address, and what they're working on.
>> In fact, we need to decide who's the Grand Poobah. Volunteers? I
>>propose that we use this mailing list for email discussion, that we
>>setup IRC appointments to haggle, and "some" collector to track issues.
> Agreed. This is exactly what this mailinglist was set up for. As for IRC, we
> can set up a new channel, if #zope is too busy at the time of a meeting. We
> don't want to impose on innocent bystanders, of course. :)
As Martijn noted, Matt Burleigh is setting up irc.zope.org. Seb was going to
schedule the first IRC appointment, so I'll let him make the call.
>>Next, we need to decide where the code is going to live and be shared.
>>I propose that this should be cvs.zope.org, though this would mean the
>>volunteers execute contributor agreements. Alternatives are suggested
>>(e.g. SF).
> Indeed, we'll have to move the current CVS code out to somewhere more
> accessible.
Alan and Seb, this is a tricky issue. It's also an issue where we're best
of taking the path of least work.
>>Next, I assert that the "will of the people" has spoken and is asking
>>for an improved fishbowl. We should make that one of the first items on
>>the agenda.
>>Perhaps in conjunction with "Improved Fishbowl", we tackle skins. We
>>need to get Plone into a shared area and start converting the existing
>>new.zope.org screens -- unless there is a desire to scrap new.zope.org
>>and start over. (Please, no....:^)
> Aaargh! Don't let Tres hear that.. Oh, and don't let Andrew hear that
> either, because he would agree all too readily to scrap the code. :)
Yep. :^) Of course, if the use cases nor any other artifacts are in
decent shape, it will be pretty hard to get started. Of course, Martijn
has everything in his head. Martijn, are you pitching in on this
(hopefully this is a simple question)?