[ZWeb] Adding trackers to zope.org
Karl Anderson
10 Jan 2001 10:31:11 -0800
I'm trying to add a tracker for my project.
There's two trackerish things in the add list, "Issue Tracker" and
"Tracker". The first breaks. I was able to add an instance of the
second to my members page.
However, I wasn't able to add a working tracker to the ParsedXML
project area, which is, um, in a subfolder in the ParsedXML wiki.
Okay, maybe that's not the best place for project artifacts, where can
we get public project space on www.zope.org or dev.zope.org?
When I try to add a tracker to the wiki subfolder, links during
configuration and use work about one third of the time. The other
times, I get a missing __call__ attribute or a resource not found
(apparently random, either response for the same link!).
Karl Anderson karl@digicool.com