[ZWeb] Q: Available for participation?
Paul Everitt
19 Apr 2002 14:51:41 -0400
5, 8, per day, per week, what's the difference? :^)
Even five hours per week would be good enough. Particularly for the
next week. Regular attendence is going to be pretty critical.
On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 07:45, Sidnei da Silva wrote:
> On Sex 19 Abr 2002 08:21, Paul Everitt wrote:
> | Hello everyone. In the next week there will be a major push to move the
> | project forward. I'll lead with the question:
> |
> | Who on this list can contribute hours (over 5) during the course of the
> | next week?
> | .....
> | Who on this list can contribute hours (over 8) during the course of the
> | next week?
> Over 5 or over 8? Per day or per week? ;-)
> Im very interested on helping, tough ive never messed with CMF before. I have
> a very skinned Cross-browser HTML Developer sit on the desk next to mine. He
> could help getting all working on NS4.
> | First and foremost, ZC has purchased four new machines to replace the
> | zope.org cluster. The configuration is a squid machine, two app
> | servers, and a zeo server. Chris McDonough is going to work starting
> | today, through next week, to get the cluster setup and get some of the
> | software in place.
> Wow, pretty cool configuration. I would like to build something like this
> someday. Please ask Chris to write everything down and put as the First NZO
> How-To when finished. ;-)
> |
> | This gives us the chance to set a milestone, cleverly called Milestone
> | One. The goal of Milestone One is to have enough to show for ourselves
> | that we can attract more manpower to the project from the community.
> | While everything will be raw and unfinished, there will hopefully be a
> | perception that things are moving.
> |
> | The tasks for the milestone: get the cluster running latest/greatest
> | zope/cmf,
> And dont forget the more stable.
> |wrap up the first round of skin work, build out the first
> | level of information architecture, ensure we are organized as a project
> | (homepage, action items, bug reports, etc.)
> | --Paul
> | _______________________________________________
> | Zope-web maillist - Zope-web@zope.org
> | http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-web
> Cheers,
> --
> Sidnei da Silva (dreamcatcher) <sidnei@x3ng.com.br>
> X3ng Web Technology <http://www.x3ng.com.br>
> GNU/Linux user 257852
> Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (Sid) 2.4.19-pre6-ben0 ppc
> The "cutting edge" is getting rather dull.
> -- Andy Purshottam