[ZWeb] REVISIT: Switch zope.org search to google
Olivier DECKMYN <odeckmyn.list@teaser.fr>
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 14:54:51 +0200
> I'd like to get people's opinions (+1, 0, -1) on the following proposal:
> "zope.org should make Google the default full-text search and return
> to Zope relevance
> searching as soon as it is available."
How can I sell Zope to my customers if _even_ zope.org isn't able to
use the ZCatalog itself ????!!??
> Remember, this isn't construed as a decision, which I think rests with
> Martijn to make. Rather, I'm looking for what people on this list
> think, as input to Martijn.
Why don't we focus on finalising NZO project ?