[ZWeb] REVISIT: Switch zope.org search to google
Paul Everitt
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 11:41:55 +0200
Howdy. Back in April we discussed the results from Seb's survey. He
showed that the quality of search results was the number one user
complaint. In a post we discussed addressing this complaint:
I think we all agreed that zope.org should put its customers first by
taking action on the number one complaint. The proposed action was to
make the default search box go to the Google search, same as the search
box at the bottom of:
We deferred the decision, thinking that we could implement better
relevance within a couple of months. Clearly that hasn't happened and
isn't likely to happen in the next couple of months.
I'd like to get people's opinions (+1, 0, -1) on the following proposal:
"zope.org should make Google the default full-text search and return
to Zope relevance
searching as soon as it is available."
Remember, this isn't construed as a decision, which I think rests with
Martijn to make. Rather, I'm looking for what people on this list
think, as input to Martijn.