[ZWeb] more remarks/discussion
PieterB <pieterb@gewis.nl>
Sun, 2 Mar 2003 21:51:16 +0100 (CET)
You guys might get tired of my remarks about the new site
http://dev.nzo.zope.org, but here are some more remarks.
Can anybody explain the navigation? I see the "tabs" Welcome,Members,News
and Search, but I don't know why they are chosen (seem to be similar
to plone-site). How does the top navigation relate to the navigation
box on the left side (About Zope, etc). I think it's good to be
consistent in the navigation, so perhaps it's even better to use
the tabs "About Zope", "Business", "Community", "Docs", "Download",
"Members", "News", "Project", "Search", but that's quite a lot.
(another idea is to remove "News" and "Members" from the "tabs",
because they are listed under "About Zope" and "Community")
I checked the current Zope.org. What will happen to the "Zope
Resources" content? http://www.zope.org/Resources . Will that
information be put under About Zope?
I really like templates which display the title of the page prominent in
the content area. What about putting a <h1>Welcome to Zope.org</h1> in
front of "What is Zope?".
The page uses <h3> as primary heading's. Headings should be used
starting from <h1> (remember some search engine give words in headings
a higher score).
I prefer a label "Zope for..." instead of "Info for". The web contains a
lot of information, so Zope is more specific.
The site forces horizontal scrolling on IE6.0 using 1024x768. Horizontal
scrolling is bad! I think the it will be solved if the products box is
placed in the right most column.
What's the Products box listing: Recent products, Changed products,
Popular products, New products? Please be more specific about it
in the Products-box-label. Please move it to the right column.
I think an extra graphic in the content are would make the site
frontpage more attractive. SOmething like the "Zope demo" box on
the frontpage of http://zope.com/. Examples of demo's: "demo of
ZMI", "demo of Zope3 ZMI", "demo of ZopeTop", "demo of Plone UI",
"information about becoming a member and using ZMI yourself", "how
to setup a freezope site", etc. And off course listing all CMF-demo's
from Zope.com
What about creating more links to wiki-pages and using wiki's for
quite a lot of pages. Zwiki supports freeformlinking, so links don't
have to use StudlyCaps. If security is an issue, you can allow only
edits from a special group (zope members, zope developers, zope
developers who have CVS-rights, zc personel, etc).
Ok, maybe this will be my last e-mail on this subject ;)
Maybe not...