[ZWeb] more remarks/discussion
Erik Lange
Sun, 02 Mar 2003 23:20:00 +0100
At 09:51 PM 3/2/03, PieterB wrote:
>You guys might get tired of my remarks about the new site
>http://dev.nzo.zope.org, but here are some more remarks.
>Can anybody explain the navigation? I see the "tabs" Welcome,Members,News
>and Search, but I don't know why they are chosen (seem to be similar
>to plone-site). How does the top navigation relate to the navigation
>box on the left side (About Zope, etc). I think it's good to be
>consistent in the navigation, so perhaps it's even better to use
>the tabs "About Zope", "Business", "Community", "Docs", "Download",
>"Members", "News", "Project", "Search", but that's quite a lot.
I agree.. (and that's not because of the Plone-layout, I just find it
confusing with the inconsistency between the two menus) alternatively it
should be made clear somehow, that the two menus have different
functions / covers different areas... but do they ?
>(another idea is to remove "News" and "Members" from the "tabs",
>because they are listed under "About Zope" and "Community")
>I checked the current Zope.org. What will happen to the "Zope
>Resources" content? http://www.zope.org/Resources . Will that
>information be put under About Zope?
>I really like templates which display the title of the page prominent in
>the content area. What about putting a <h1>Welcome to Zope.org</h1> in
>front of "What is Zope?".
hmm... not sure I agree on that... depending on what the CSS defines H1
as... ;-)
>The page uses <h3> as primary heading's. Headings should be used
>starting from <h1> (remember some search engine give words in headings
>a higher score).
The current look is very confusing to me, due to several font-sizes used
inconsistingly - IMHO.
I prefer all fonts on a page to have the same size with bolded headings...
We're members of Zope User Group Denmark, where we have just launched a new
version of our website - http://www.zug.dk - article-view still need's some
work, but in general I think it's a very nice and userfriendly design (by
the company HeadNet, http://www.headnet.dk ). Remember to KISS ;-)
>I prefer a label "Zope for..." instead of "Info for". The web contains a
>lot of information, so Zope is more specific.
>The site forces horizontal scrolling on IE6.0 using 1024x768. Horizontal
>scrolling is bad! I think the it will be solved if the products box is
>placed in the right most column.
Hmm... there's no horisintal scrolling here - using IE 5.5..
>What's the Products box listing: Recent products, Changed products,
>Popular products, New products? Please be more specific about it
>in the Products-box-label. Please move it to the right column.
Or move it to /products, as on the current Zope.org ;-)
BTW: What's the difference between "announcements" and "news" in the right
colum ?
>I think an extra graphic in the content are would make the site
>frontpage more attractive. SOmething like the "Zope demo" box on
>the frontpage of http://zope.com/. Examples of demo's: "demo of
>ZMI", "demo of Zope3 ZMI", "demo of ZopeTop", "demo of Plone UI",
>"information about becoming a member and using ZMI yourself", "how
>to setup a freezope site", etc. And off course listing all CMF-demo's
>from Zope.com
>What about creating more links to wiki-pages and using wiki's for
>quite a lot of pages. Zwiki supports freeformlinking, so links don't
>have to use StudlyCaps. If security is an issue, you can allow only
>edits from a special group (zope members, zope developers, zope
>developers who have CVS-rights, zc personel, etc).
>Ok, maybe this will be my last e-mail on this subject ;)
>Maybe not...
Erik Lange