NZO content administration (was: Re: [ZWeb]
feedback: Welcome to
Erik Lange
Mon, 03 Mar 2003 04:22:03 +0100
At 03:31 AM 3/3/03, Andy McKay wrote:
>>I do believe though, that a "ZopeZen-look" would be great - I've always
>>loved the look-and-feel of your site, even before you used Plone for the
>>back-end ;-)
>Thanks, I changed it a bit yesterday, now to find a host box...
Host box ?
(I just got a site error trying to acces ZopeZen ?)
>>so I would like to fokus on that part of NZO, regardsless of whatever
>>products that will be used.
>Right, we are in agreement then that managing the content on is
>key, not the tool. So we'll stop talking about that then.
Exactly :-)
Now, don't take this wrong, but there's still the point made by Jeffrey:
"The current site pioneered a lot of Zope technologies and ideas
that have found their way into newer software offerings, but sadly it
cannot take advantage of those newer offerings." - how do we make sure that
this won't happen again ?
Last week I saw a post from Alan, where he discussed how to create
formulars (as I recall) in Plone, compared to "raw" CMF (wich doesn't
creates them, unlike Plone, so Plone is far more advanced than CMF here),
and Alan was asking Florent how this was done in CPS, trying to find a
common way of making this "expanded functionallity". It made we so happy to
read that mail, and reinsured me that the Plone-community is truely one of
the most valuable resources of Zope at the moment. The trick now is, to get
these "expanded functions" either ported back into CMF, or rewritten for
both CMF and Plone - IMHO.
This is _not_ a critisism of Plone, but an attempt to cast light over some
of the more obscurred details of the developing of CMF-sites and -products
in the near future. I really belive it would be valuable to all parties
(Plone, CPS and so on), to come to an egrrement on these matters, rather
than everybody going their own way. I'm sure Plone in many ways is way
ahead of CMF at it's present state, and that there's much code in Plone
that could be nice to have in the CMF Core. But that's what we need to
discuss - what should and what shouldn't be ported back into CMF Core -
IMHO. This to ensure that NZO in the future actually _can_ "take advantage
of those newer offerings".
So we have two main "tracks" here: 1.) the technological discussion of
which "Core" CMF tools to use for NZO, and 2.) the human aspects of content
managing, regardless of techniques used in the process.
>>( The half because, when products reaches a really stable state, they
>>don't get updated that offen, but should still be available, since they
>>at that state often are of higher value that 0.xx products that are
>>beeing updated every week ;-))
>Im not saying they shouldn't be available, just when the Zope Weekly News
>(just an example) is saying in big letters across the "last updated 3
>months ago", just dont show it.
I totally agree! :-)
But here we're talking customization of whatever back-end products you're
using. A portlet i.e. could be configured to list objects with the subject
"WeeklyNews" pretty much out of the box, but to disappear if only
containing objects older than a week, it would need some twisting...
Erik Lange