[ZWeb] V3 Updated
Tom Von Lahndorff
tom at modscape.com
Thu Mar 23 09:00:06 EST 2006
> - On my System (ubuntu dapper) there is neither Arial nor Helvetica
> available in Firefox, thus the fonts look ugly (see screenshot[1]).
> Could you please add sans-serif at the end of the font list, or
> insert "Bitstream Vera Sans" for GNOME users?
Will do. I have Ubuntu at home as well, just hadn't looked at it yet.
The screenshot actually doesn't look *that* bad. :)
> - The Zope logo is sized to 149 * 60 px while the real image size is
> 150 * 60 px. This causes a little distortion in the Z of the logo
> (see screenshot[1]).
Will fix. Hadn't noticed that. Thanks for the heads up.
> - The label of the form fields shouldn't be in the value of the
> inputs.
> This is bad bad practice IMHO.
There's a simple script to clear the field onFocus. Does it not work
for you? I'm using it to conserve space.
> - I think fly out menus on Web pages just don't Feel Good (not to
> mention the debatable usability problems they might introduce[2]).
See Mike D.'s comments on that article which pretty much sums up my
rationale and implementation.
> - I'm not sure what the the leaves in the header want to communicate.
> If they are just decoration they should be replaced by something
> more
> abstract, I think.
Zope Zen. When I started using Zope about 6 years ago the term was
used a bit and I thought it was very appropriate. It described well
the Eureka moments when you realize Zope's smartness and elegance.
There's something organic that I find about Zope as well, like
working with it just feels natural. The photo was one I took and I
think it's just nice and peaceful. I wanted to convey that feeling
rather than some overbloated M$ or AOL marketing blitz madness like a
bunch of people gathered around a Dell with wine glasses laughing and
the tagline "makes your life 20x more fun!" or something too abstract
and cryptic that makes people think "what the f is this product?".
> [1] Screenshot:
> <https://webproducer.at/z3/tmp/modscape-z3-mockup-v3.png>
> [2] Article about "Usability and Fly-Out Menus":
> <http://www.7nights.com/asterisk/archive/2004/03/usability-and-
> flyout-menus>
> Thanks for the work!
> Tonico
> Tom Von Lahndorff schrieb:
>> http://www.modscape.com/zope
>> 03/22/06. Updated the homepage. Added the Zope 3 box. Created a
>> download page. Click on "Download Zope" under "Download" in the nav.
>> Thanks for all of the comments. Keep 'em coming. A couple of
>> people had mentioned the background was a bit dark so I've
>> lightened it. It seems though that people are pretty happy with
>> the general look and feel of the layout. I'd like to start
>> drilling down into content at this point and this where I'll
>> really need people's feedback, especially editorially. I want to
>> try and keep the content simple and not make the assumption that
>> visitors know what Zope is and what it does.
>> I was also thinking that there should be a discussion board on the
>> site like Apple's support boards. Many of the support questions
>> answered on Apple's boards are from other customers. It's a nice
>> one stop shop for questions and answers for those who may not want
>> to subscribe to mailing list. It would be nice to have that option.
>> http://discussions.apple.com/index.jspa
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