[Zope] - Yet another stupid question: image folders
Phillip J. Eby
Mon, 07 Dec 1998 17:06:41 -0500
At 04:52 PM 12/7/98 -0500, Christopher G. Petrilli wrote:
>For the object repository to be useful, it has to be able to SIMPLIFY my
>life, not complicate it :-)
>So since I'm a glutton for punishment, why wouldn't a tag:
> <!--#var imagename-->
>Be allwoed to insert it's location in full, rathre than relative (which
>should never break anything I can thinik off off-hand), as well as it's
>ALT and H/W tags (which maybe should be stored in properties now that I
>think about it, and only updated when the image is inserted into the
>database/updated, lower overhead). Humor me here :-)
The correct way (I'm sure the DC folks will correct me if I'm wrong) to do
this in ZOPE is to create a new 'image' Product that does what you want,
then use it any place you currently use images. Long term, ZOPE classes
will allow you to do this in a more direct way. In ASDF, you can define
any file extension to wrap methods from anywhere, so you can directly
subclass the ImageFile class (or any other 'built-in' ASDF class) to do
whatever you want it to. I'm assuming that ZOPE classes will offer
comparable functionality.