[Zope] - Yet another stupid question: image folders

Christopher G. Petrilli petrilli@amber.org
Mon, 7 Dec 1998 17:16:23 -0500

On Mon, Dec 07, 1998 at 04:14:07PM +0000, Kent Polk wrote:
> Hi Christopher (Christopher G. Petrilli), in <19981207165230.33257@amber.org> on Dec 7 you wrote:
> > #image "blah.gif"
> > 
> > And it will insert everything needed (including H/W tags).  This works
> > even if you happen to have things stored in a subdirectory if I recall
> > (it's been a while).  
> [...]
> > So since I'm a glutton for punishment, why wouldn't a tag: 
> > 
> > 	<!--#var imagename--> 
> > 
> > Be allwoed to insert it's location in full, rathre than relative (which
> > should never break anything I can thinik off off-hand), as well as it's
> > ALT and H/W tags (which maybe should be stored in properties now that I
> > think about it, and only updated when the image is inserted into the
> > database/updated, lower overhead).  Humor me here :-)
> Time to write a new dtml tag? :
> <!--#img imagename-->

I guess I'm not sure why an Image should be any different than any other
object in the POS?  Seems to me the #var tag would work just fine with
the tweeks I mentioned.  Did I miss something?

| Christopher Petrilli
| petrilli@amber.org