[Zope] - Food for thought

Scott Robertson sroberts@codeit.com
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 15:45:56 -0800 (PST)

I'm not quite sure that there really is a solution for this problem, so I
didn't add it to the bug list, but it is something to think about.

Can ayone think of a good way to keep DTML from infinetly looping?
We would like to be able to offer the zope managment screens to our
customers, unfortunatly we discovered it's real easy to lock the server up
with a little bit of DTML.

For exaple.

Create a folder and place a document method in it
and call it index_html. Place this line in the index html file.

<!--#var index_html-->

Then add one sub folder with nothing in it so that this folder will aquire
the index_html method from the parent folder.

Preheat your oven to 350, and view your document.

Presto your Zope is cooked!

- Scott Robertson             Phone: 714.972.2299 -
- CodeIt Computing            Fax:   714.972.2399 -
-                http://codeit.com                -