[Zope] - Food for thought

Scott Robertson sroberts@codeit.com
Wed, 23 Dec 1998 16:32:40 -0800 (PST)

On Wed, 23 Dec 1998, Paul Everitt wrote:

> Scott wrote:
> > I'm not quite sure that there really is a solution for this 
> > problem, so I
> > didn't add it to the bug list, but it is something to think about.
> My, but you've stated it diplomatically :^)

"The Problem" of course being user doing stupid things.

> Jim added changes a little over a year ago to keep an object from
> calling itself.  

Well you got me there, now that you mentioned it I haven't been able to
get the system to infinitly recurse itself with anythin but the tree tag
(What can I say I'm evil enough to try =) ).

> <!--#var index_html-->
> then Zope would see that you were trying to insert yourself into
> yourself.  Takes the taste out of stuffing, I might add.  But it appears
> the tree tag foils Zope's attempts to keep your insides firmly
> segregated from you outsides.

EmmMMmm stuffing....

- Scott Robertson             Phone: 714.972.2299 -
- CodeIt Computing            Fax:   714.972.2399 -
-                http://codeit.com                -