[Zope] ZServer b1 and Dreamweaver

Martin Dougiamas martin@complex.curtin.edu.au
Sun, 18 Apr 1999 18:13:59 +0800 (WST)

ZServer's up and the FTP interface is working using 
Linux ftp, ncftp or Netscape Communicator with ftp://

But Dreamweaver 2.0 (Mac) won't work.   Anyone else had success?

Here's my log for standard Unix ftp, after logging in
and doing an "ls".

rap83:28794 adding channel <zope_ftp_channel at 3fe838>
rap83:28794 ==> 220 moodle.com FTP server (Medusa Async V1.2 [experimental]) ready.
rap83:28794 <== USER Zope
rap83:28794 ==> 331 Password required.
rap83:28794 <== PASS <password>
rap83:28794 ==> 230 Login successful.
rap83:28794 Successful login.
rap83:28794 <== SYST
rap83:28794 ==> 215 UNIX Type: L8
rap83:28794 <== PORT 134,7,112,211,112,123
rap83:28794 ==> 200 PORT command successful.
rap83:28794 <== LIST
rap83:28794 ==> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
rap83:28794 ==> 226 Transfer complete
rap83:28794 <== QUIT
rap83:28794 ==> 221 Goodbye.
rap83:28794 closing channel 13:<zope_ftp_channel connected at 3fe838>

And here's the Dreamweaver log:
rap83:61175 adding channel <zope_ftp_channel at 3fe700>
rap83:61175 ==> 220 moodle.com FTP server (Medusa Async V1.2 [experimental]) ready.
rap83:61175 <== USER Zope
rap83:61175 ==> 331 Password required.
rap83:61175 <== PASS <password>
rap83:61175 ==> 230 Login successful.
rap83:61175 Successful login.
rap83:61175 <== TYPE I
rap83:61175 ==> 200 Type set to Binary.
rap83:61175 <== SYST
rap83:61175 ==> 215 UNIX Type: L8
rap83:61175 <== PWD
rap83:61175 ==> 257 "/" is the current directory.
rap83:61175 <== NOOP
rap83:61175 ==> 200 NOOP command successful.
rap83:61175 <== PORT 192,168,19,2,8,91
rap83:61175 ==> 200 PORT command successful.
rap83:61175 <== TYPE A
rap83:61175 ==> 200 Type set to ASCII.
rap83:61175 <== LIST
rap83:61175 ==> 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list

...and it hangs there.  Any ideas?

I can hardly wait - Zope & Dreamweaver will be a killer combination! 
