[Zope] ZODB 3 UML Model

Brad Clements bkc@murkworks.com
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 10:14:48 -0400

On 27 Apr 99, at 8:36, Jim Fulton wrote:

> One of the challenges that we face is how to publish the models
> in a form that is useful for people with just the (HTML version
> of the) model.  How can we organize the model so that people can
> understand the big picture (aka Zen) of the model as well as
> the details (eg classes)?  The ZODB model represents one of our
> first attempts at this, so feedback on how well the model communicates
> ideas and suggestions for improvement are welcome.

Well by golly you have trashed my Python project!  ;-)

I was tinkering with Python code parsing stuff to automatically model 
Zope components as UML in Visio.

Looks like you're doing that by hand, which is fine for me.

Very nice..

But, would you also consider making available your Visio or MS 
Repository database so those of us with Visio can enjoy your labor 
without a gazillion clicks?


Other suggestion: also unroll the html frames into a single PDF that 
reads "sorta like a book". I know that doubles the work, and the frame 
UML is very slick, but sometimes to get the big picture you really need 
to layout sheets of paper on your desk and move them around..


Wow, this is very nice! Thanks for doing this!

Brad Clements,                bkc@murkworks.com   (315)268-1000
http://www.murkworks.com                          (315)268-9812 Fax
netmeeting: ils://ils.murkworks.com               ICQ: 14856937