[Zope] incomplete Help System
Martijn Pieters
Wed, 04 Aug 1999 12:51:07 +0200
At 22:59 01/08/99 , Alex Rice wrote:
>Just posted to Collector:
> The Help Tab in the 2.0 series Zopes has incomplete information. For
> instance, in Object Reference/'Folder' there are only 3 methods
> listed. However, on http://www.zope.org/HelpSys/, 'Folder' has 38
> methods listed.
>Is there any way I can update this information in my current Zope
>installation? (2.0.b)
That is because between Zope 1.10 (on which Zope.org runs) and Zope 2.0 a
lot of functionality of the File object has been split out to the
ObjectManager object. Look at that entry in the Help System.
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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