[Zope] Giving up in frustration
Bradford Hull
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 11:52:23 -0700
This is unusual, I realize, but I'm going to tell you why I'm giving up on
Zope now. I'm doing it because I think this thing has awesome potential,
but if you try to make it popular with the current documentation it will
sink like a rock any time a user wants to see how to input or edit data.
I'm experienced, quick-witted, hard-working, dogged and persistent. I read
all the available documentation until my eyes bled. I read thousands of
the letters in the email forum. I could not have made a more valid effort.
I finally gave in and sent the email group a plea for help, and got
several kind and generous answers that answered my questions, basic,
obvious questions, the kind nobody can get anywhere without having answers
Why could I not find those answers in all that documentation digging?
The answers basically led me into another blank wall one millimeter closer
to my simple evaluation than I was when I started.
I have learned hundreds of systems in my career, many of them quite opaque
and difficult. Last week, I learned python so I could rewrite a perl
script that was choking on signals from child processes, and in a day I had
a solid, actually rather beautiful, threaded python application running
brilliantly for me (and a great appreciation for the language). OK,
learning python is not rocket science, but this is seriously non-trivial.
I have never in my life experienced a system so utterly resistant to
learning the basic elements you must know in order to start, as I have with
Zope. I got on the Linux bandwagon when there were maybe 50,000 of us, at
release 0.99 patch level 5. It was obnoxious to find the info you wanted,
but not like this.
People! Write some getting-started documentation! Write an FAQ file!
And for God's sake, don't write a patronizing letter about "Does Tera have
money to spend?" to a person who's trying to evaluate whether something is
worth spending money on...
I hope you're hugely successful with Zope over time, but you'll lose a lot
more like me if you don't write down the basic assumptions some place and
post arrows pointing to it from everywhere. And I tell you what: If I ever
have a database where I never have to put in any data, or edit any of it,
I'll be back in a flash...
(giving-up-wistfully-and-will-check-back-regularly)-ly yours,
Bradford K. Hull | ... Are we having fun yet? ... Zippy the Pinhead
brad@tera.com |
(206)701-2066 |