[Zope] How to install Zope on SuSE 6.1

Eric, Stacey and Lydia Miller phoenix@cac.net
Tue, 17 Aug 1999 21:06:22 -0400

Hi. It's the WNT-developer-to-Linux-wana-be again.

I gave up on my CheapBytes edition on RH 6.0 and purchased SuSE 6.1 for
various reasons. I tried to install Zope 2.0.0b4 after recompiling the 1.5.2
version of Python (with threads). No dice. I can't get it to work.

I tried to run ZServer and get the following:

1999-08-18T01:53:31 PROBLEM(100) ZServer Computing default hostname
1999-08-18T01:53:31 INFO(0) ZServer Medusa (V1.10) started at Tue Aug 17
20:53:01 1999
1999-08-18T01:53:31 INFO(0) ZServer FTP server started at Tue Aug 17
20:53:01 1999
	Hostname: ERIC
1999-08-18T01:53:31 INFO(0) ZServer Monitor Server (V1.5) started on port
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/local/Zope/Zope-2.0.0b4-linux2-x86/z2.py", line 494, in ?
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

Now, if I understand this correctly:

A. ZServer doesn't like to compute the default hostname or can't.

B. ZServer Monitor Server does not have permission to create and or update
the file Z2.pid. I tried giving full rights to the subdirectory (777), etc.
but this does not make a difference.

If I try instead to use the version of Apache that SuSE installs I can run
the test-cgi script just fine but can not run Zope.cgi. Under RH 6.0 I could
at least get Zope.cgi to run (of course I could never get the auth rewrite
rule to work.)

I've searched the list email for help and found that someone else has the
same message when they start up ZServer. I checked with him and he can't get
it to work either. So, either he isn't begging enough or nobody knows how to
get this to work.

If someone would take pity a poor Win developer trying to migrate to Linux
and Zope at the same time and help me install this thing so that I don't
have to learn Java and Enhydra... ;^)

Eric Miller