[Zope] How to install Zope on SuSE 6.1
Michel Pelletier
Wed, 18 Aug 1999 00:35:52 -0400
"Eric, Stacey and Lydia Miller" wrote:
> Hi. It's the WNT-developer-to-Linux-wana-be again.
> I gave up on my CheapBytes edition on RH 6.0 and purchased SuSE 6.1 for
> various reasons. I tried to install Zope 2.0.0b4 after recompiling the 1.5.2
> version of Python (with threads). No dice. I can't get it to work.
> I tried to run ZServer and get the following:
> --------
> 1999-08-18T01:53:31 PROBLEM(100) ZServer Computing default hostname
> --------
> 1999-08-18T01:53:31 INFO(0) ZServer Medusa (V1.10) started at Tue Aug 17
> 20:53:01 1999
> Port:8080
> --------
> 1999-08-18T01:53:31 INFO(0) ZServer FTP server started at Tue Aug 17
> 20:53:01 1999
> Authorizer:None
> Hostname: ERIC
> Port:8021
> --------
> 1999-08-18T01:53:31 INFO(0) ZServer Monitor Server (V1.5) started on port
> 8099
> Traceback (innermost last):
> File "/usr/local/Zope/Zope-2.0.0b4-linux2-x86/z2.py", line 494, in ?
> IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
> '/usr/local/Zope/Zope-2.0.0b4-linux2-x86/Z2.pid'
> Now, if I understand this correctly:
> A. ZServer doesn't like to compute the default hostname or can't.
It's not a problem, it just says it is. It works fine without.
> B. ZServer Monitor Server does not have permission to create and or update
> the file Z2.pid. I tried giving full rights to the subdirectory (777), etc.
> but this does not make a difference.
I'm afraid this is the correct answer. Make sure you are running Zope
as the right user. Without more details, there isn't much I can suggest
you do. Note that if you start Zope as root, it will change it's
UID:GID to nobody:nogroup. Also, there are several good linux docs on
basic file permissions, UNIX users, and UNIX security. I use Zope on
Suse 6.1 all day long with no problems.