[Zope] restricted access....not working.
Tony McDonald
Wed, 18 Aug 1999 10:12:43 +0100
HI all,
I followed the thread yesterday on restricting access and as that is
something I need to do now, I thought I'd have a go.
I have a folder at the root level called 'Upload'. Upload has an
acl_users folder with one user that has the 'Manager' role.
I opened the index_html DTML document and changed the 'Acquire
Permission Settings' security tag for 'view' to be off (all other
acquires are on and the only role checkboxes set are for Manager).
There is an acl_users folder at the top level (must be, because you
can't delete it), but there's no one in it.
If I try to access the url Upload/ I get the authentication dialog
(good so far), but the *only* user that will let me through is the
superuser one.
If I add a user to the top level acl_users folder (different name to
the Upload acl_user), then I *can* get into the system.
Is this behaviour normal? Am I missing my dose of Zope-Zen this morning?
Zope2.0b1 on Solaris 5.6
Dr Tony McDonald, FMCC, Networked Learning Environments Project
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 222 5888
Fingerprint: 3450 876D FA41 B926 D3DD F8C3 F2D0 C3B9 8B38 18A2