[Zope] using dtml within python within dtml

happyrhino@usa.net happyrhino@usa.net
31 Aug 99 12:25:20 MDT

If I wish to assign a value to Zope variable or property within
a DTML method, I can use this =
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set(variable_name, python_expression)">

But how can I use a DTML/Zope expression within the python_expression ?

For example, the time can be found in DTML using this = 
<dtml-var ZopeTime fmt=%H:%M>

I can't use the following = 
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set(variable_name, ZopeTime fmt=%H:%M)">
So, how would it be done ?

Whilst on this subject, is it true that the python_expression above
is limited to string and math services ? 
Say I have the following pure python code =

import my_custom_module 
x = my_custom_module.my_function()

How can I assign x to a Zope variable zopeY ? 
That is, how can those 2 lines of python be incorporated into the
python_expresion below ?
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set(zopeY, python_expression)">

Or am I trying to use too much Python within Zope ? 



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