[Zope] reality check

Joshua Brauer joshua@brauer.org
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 10:15:29 -0700

At 7:40 PM -0800 12/9/99, Jonothan Farr wrote:

> >
> > Zope has some of the worst documentation I have ever encountered.  I
> > paged through it for a while and was unable to get to any actual
> > information, just marketing-esque hype.  I turned the investigation
> > over to my typically very fast research guy, figuring maybe I just had
> > the wrong set of docs or something; after learning Python and spending
> > several solid weeks of trying to figure out how to get it to update
> > objects in Oracle (vs. just view them), he gave up on it; we aren't
> > going to use it.
> >
> > It's a good idea, and I hear only good things about Python, but Zope
> > is Just Not There Yet.
> >
> > YMMV,
> > Brenda

Evidently this person has very limited computer experience. Zope doesn't have the best docs, but somebody with some experience and an open mind can easily pickup Zope from the existing docs,  which as far as I can tell, continue to get better all the time. When I started all of this Python was new to me as well and it far less than weeks to figure out how to write external methods (see the example in the documentation) and to get Zope inserting and updating information in a Pygresql (also new to me) database.


		Joshua Brauer