[Zope] hard-code pcgi

Clint Shelby McCulloch csm@io.com
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 10:33:09 -0600 (CST)

> At 02:50 PM 2/3/99 -0500, Kevin Dangoor wrote:
> >On Wed, Feb 03, 1999 at 02:04:10PM -0500, Phillip J. Eby wrote: 
> >,-----
> >| Oops, that was unclear.  I meant to say that if your host gives you
> >| own ID, *and* executes CGI under that ID, then you have nothing else
to do
> >| except keep permissions straight.
> >
> >Ahh! That's ideal! Does someone out there set it up like that?

Hmmmmm.  Sometimes suEXEC is configured so that the command the request
wishes to execute cannot be a symbolic link.  Might this pose a problem
for pcgi?

> Except for the RS/Apa platform, where PCGI presents process-start
> that FastCGI doesn't.  On the RS/Apa platform, the cgi-fcgi wrapper is
> available, and all CGI's execute as the correct user ID to begin with,
> the need for a setuid wrapper is eliminated.  And some hosting brands
> use the RS/Apa platform offer hosting with CGI for as little as

Any clues as to what would it take to get Zope to work with the apache
fastCGI module?
