[Zope] ZServer/anonftp and aside: efs, emacs on NT

Roman Milner roman@speeder.com
11 Feb 1999 22:10:39 -0600

>>>>> "PE" == Paul Everitt <paul@digicool.com> writes:

    PE> Hmm, I tinkered around this morning with alpha2.  With EFS I
    PE> was able to loging and create something.  Editing it crashed
    PE> the server, as efs sent a whole bunch of weird FTP commands
    PE> (to create the backup file with the tilde ending the filename,
    PE> the rename, etc., and Zope can't handle filenames with a
    PE> tilde).

	You can avoid this by having XEmacs put all autosave and backup files
in one directory, rather than in cwd.

(require 'efs-auto)
(setq efs-auto-save 1)
(setq auto-save-directory (expand-file-name "~/.autosave/")
      auto-save-directory-fallback auto-save-directory
      auto-save-hash-p nil
      efs-auto-save 1
      efs-auto-save-remotely nil
      auto-save-interval 2000

(require 'backup-dir)
(setq bkup-backup-directory-info
      '((t "~/.autosave" ok-create full-path)))


	It mostly works great for me.  It hangs after the save and I have to 
do C-g - not sure why - it looks like EFS had sent 

ftp> ls "-dal /index_html" /tmp/efsaIATjC

	when the hang occured.
