[Zope] Zope lobbyists, anyone?
Paul Everitt
Wed, 17 Feb 1999 07:16:44 -0500
Chris Larson wrote:
> I'm trying to get Zope running at my ISP, and want to be able to lobby
> them as best I can. To this end, I'm trying to get as best a handle on
> the, um, environmental impact, let's say, of running Zope as I can. Can
> someone help me out here, mebbe point me to an overview of what exactly
> is required, vis-a-vis system resources? My site at this point is fairly
> low traffic, and fairly simple. I've posted a couple of short responses
> I've had in discussion with the admin below. I'd like to be able to
> respond to him with as much technical impact info as possible. How much
> memory is expected to be used, is the program gonna be launching multiple
> processes, etc.
Wow, I'm actually one step ahead for once:
> As I understand it, Zope launches one process, and that's it. Part of the
> problem right now is that I'm playing with it in a user account that
> launches processes as user 'www', and that Zope is very unstable in the
> current environment. Apparently, nfs causes rapid corruption of the
*Anything* would be unstable over NFS. Many server programs won't even
start using an NFS partition. In fact, we should probably change Zope
to sniff and see if NFS is involved, then refuse to operate, lest we get
blamed for the Nightmare File System.
> database, causing 'serious application errors' following which I have a
> hard time tracking down and/or killing the process(es) left behind. This
> situation should change soon, as far as the 'user' running the processes
> at least.
With ZServer you can crank the process up manually. I imagine that PCGI
will eventually go that way as well.
> In a nutshell, I'm a relatively uninformed newbie, with an intermittent
> relationship with unix (linux), and I'm trying to figure out why nfs
> kills Zope, while I wait for my ISP to migrate my Apache virtual account
> to a machine with Python 1.5.1, after which at least processes will be
> launched as my user. I desperately want to implement Zope, but am faced
> with the issues of system impact, of which I have no idea, with the
> probability that I'll be faced with a no-threads Python (RedHat default,
> see below), with an ISP who may be reluctant to allow me to implement
> Zope, depending on the above-mentioned impact, and with the fact that I'm
> probably be stuck dealing with nfs.
That is the saddest litany of woe I've heard since, well, three weeks
ago when our ISP screwed us :^)
> If any of the above are killers, I'd appreciate a heads-up, and if anyone
> can provide me with a concise overview of what Zope'll do to the systemm
> and/or other issues that might frighten an ISP away, I would be eternally
> (well, indefinitely, at least) indebted.
I don't think that my ZHP information goes in too deep on system
> Actually, it would be nice if the resource stuff were covered in the ISP
> FAQ, no?
Ahh, so you've found it. :^)