[Zope] ANNOUNCE: FAQ Tool sample Zope app.
Martijn Pieters
Sun, 28 Feb 1999 20:33:51 +0100
At 05:39 28-2-99 , Amos Latteier wrote:
>At 03:56 PM 2/27/99 -0800, Robin Dunn wrote:
>>I downloaded it to try it out. When I restarted Zope I got the FAQ entry in
>>ControlPanel/Products, but it does not show up in the list of things that I
>>can add to my folders. Is there something else I need to install to support
>>Lever generated things?
>No. It should work so long as you are using Zope 1.10.2 or later. I bet you
>are using Zope 1.9 since this is what happened to me when I tried
>installing it in Zope 1.9. I think the problem is due to the fact that it
>uses classes not available in 1.9 (ie DTML Methods, not Documents). But I'm
>not sure...
No, sorry Amos. I have the same problem under Zope 1.10.2. I tired this at
home, running Win98, and I checked the source of the Product
initialisation. When I twiddle with it a bit, swicth off the try/except
errorhandling, I discovered that it is the product.dat file. Here is the
Traceback (innermost last):
File "C:\Program Files\Internet\Zope\MJ_New\serve.py", line 100, in ?
File "C:\Program
Files\Internet\Zope\MJ_New\ZopeHTTPServer\ZopeHTTPServer.py", line 498, in main
File "C:\Program
Files\Internet\Zope\MJ_New\ZopeHTTPServer\ZopeHTTPServer.py", line 436, in
File "C:\Program
Files\Internet\Zope\MJ_New\ZopeHTTPServer\ZopeHTTPServer.py", line 432, in
__import__(name) # to catch problem modules right away
File "C:\Program Files\Internet\Zope\MJ_New\lib\python\Main.py", line
103, in ?
File "C:\Program
Files\Internet\Zope\MJ_New\lib\python\OFS\Application.py", line 365, in
File "C:\Program
Files\Internet\Zope\MJ_New\lib\python\OFS\Application.py", line 480, in
App.Product.initializeProduct(product, product_name, package_dir, app)
File "C:\Program Files\Internet\Zope\MJ_New\lib\python\App\Product.py",
line 421, in initializeProduct
File "C:\Program Files\Internet\Zope\MJ_New\lib\python\App\Product.py",
line 370, in read
while l > len(self._b) and not self._done: self._next()
File "C:\Program Files\Internet\Zope\MJ_New\lib\python\App\Product.py",
line 359, in _next
zlib.error: Error -5 while decompressing []
It looks like the Lever isn't platform independent.
M.J. Pieters, Web Developer
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