[Zope] Using Zclasses
Michael Bernstein
Tue, 06 Jul 1999 13:03:42 -0700
Alexander Staubo wrote:
> >Hmm, seems a pretty important feature, does anyone know if this sort of
> >functionality is on the drawing board for the Zope interface?
> Post it to the Collector (http://www.zope.org/Collector) if you think
> it's important. I agree; but this prompt the question: "Yes, but how?"
> Should you be able to define properties that can accept only one type of
> object? Several types? Any type of object? Another aspect is
> interdependencies -- you might want to introduce deletion constraint on
> which objects may be deleted if they're referenced, and so on.
As far as object constraints are concerned, I was actually thinking of a
constraint by metatype, so that if you have several types of objects you
want to reference from a single attribute pointer, they should probably
inherit from a common base class.
Interdependencies -- well, frankly I hadn't given that much thought. you
would probably have to deal with it on a case by case basis. I think it
may be too application dependent, although a deletion mechanism that
replaces references to a deleted object with references to another
object of the same type might be handy.
Example: someone in the sales dept. is fired, so he is deleted from the
system. when being deleted, the system could ask which other instance of
'salesman' should replace the references to the deleted instance.
This is of course, not a very good example, as this would not only
assign the fired salesman's customers to someone, but in all likelihood
also add all of the deleted salesman's prior sales towards the second
guys quotas. So there may be no way around custom deletion methods in
complex applications.
If anyone else agrees with Alexander and myself that being able to
assign 'pointers to objects' as attributes ( as opposed to actually
instantiating an object as an attribute) would be a good addition to the
Zope interface, let me know, and I'll incorporate your suggestions
before I post this to the Collector.
OTOH, if you disagree, and don't want this cluttering up the Collector,
let me know that too.
Michael Bernstein.