[Zope] How can you generalize SQL methods ?

Marco Guidi GUIDI@sssup.it
Wed, 14 Jul 1999 10:04:58 +0200

Hi I've the following problem:

I'd like to have in my "root" folder some general SQL (mysql) methods
so that I can call them from the subfolders.

I insert  here 2 examples of what I'd like to do.

1- Creating a general INSERT query.

    I tried to create a query resembling the following:

INSERT INTO <!--#var table_name-->
  (<!--#var field_name-->) values
    (<!--#sqlvar field_value type=<!--#var field_type--> -->)

  where field table_name, field_name, field_value and field_type are 
  for the methon. Naturally this doesn't work. Is there any way to do 
  like this ?

2- creating a general SELECT query.

   I'd like to parametrize the name and the number of the fields shown
   by a SELECT mysql query. Something like

   SELECT <variable_number_of_fields_of_variable_names> from
     <!--#var table_name-->

   where table_name is an argument for the method.
   I've no ideas about how to implement the

Is there anyone who can help me (eventually source code examples or
links to them will be welcome).

   Thank you in advance.

Marco Guidi

e-mail: guidi@sssup.it