[Zope] [ZDP] Assorted FAQs

Christopher G. Petrilli petrilli@amber.org
Wed, 3 Mar 1999 13:53:55 -0500

On Wed, Mar 03, 1999 at 01:00:03PM -0500, Philip Aylesworth wrote:
> Maybe by splitting up the FAQs we could split up the work, too! Have a
> different person/group resposible for each FAQ.

Well, I think it'd be nice if there was someone "responsible" for each
major section, this would keep everyone from getting swamped.

> Of course there would be nothing stopping some energetic type being
> involved with all of them :)

:-) I for one have no problem causing trouble in everyone's life!

> Also, I think that HOWTOs of the Linux type would be a great idea. They
> have a person/group responsible for each HOWTO to keep it up to date and
> add/edit things as needed.

You can find a "howto" LaTeX stylesheet in the Python CVS checkout, and
I'm sure Guido/Fred wouldn't mind us using this.  It works real well,
and can target HTML, ASCII (I think), Postscript, PDF, etc... this lets
you do the "bigger" stuff in a nice pretty way. 

What would also be nice is a list of "bigger" issues that people would
liek to see explained more... something that's more than a single

| Christopher Petrilli                      ``Television is bubble-gum for
| petrilli@amber.org                          the mind.''-Frank Lloyd Wright