[Zope] 'Enter query parameters'
14 Mar 1999 11:17:30 +0100
Hannu Krosing <hannu@trust.ee> writes:
> > Auteur: <input width="30" name="auteur" value=""><br>
> why no type=text ?
Oops forgot it. Well it worked without it :-)
> This is definitely wrong ;(
> something like
> INSERT INTO messages (auteur,title,bookdate,any_good)
> ('testing again',
> 'blahblahblah', 'now', 'f')
Ow you're right. But this hasn't changed anything, it still
ask me for the parameters after clicking on submit :-(
In the HTML form, I replaced the action with
'<form action="add_message/manage_test" method="get">'
where add_message is the Z SQL method. And it adds correctly the
record to my Database, but displays 'This was not a query'.
And, well, I don't think taht's the correct method to add records,
by using the test method :-))
Is there anywhere an example of product adding some records to
a database ?
> might have worked. You may also mean current_date or current_time
> instead of now or now()
What's the difference between now and current_date / current_time
I tried all of them, and they give exactly the same result
(the good date :-)
Luc Stepniewski <lstep@mail.dotcom.fr>
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