[Zope] Linux Expo & PR & Wired

Martijn Faassen M.Faassen@vet.uu.nl
Thu, 06 May 1999 10:38:10 +0200

Tony McDonald wrote:
> Paul wrote:
> >They don't need much
> >help -- in fact I fired myself two days ago.  I was turning into a
> >bottleneck and decided to get out of the way.
> Now what other techy list gives you ... Auto-immolation!
> tone

I'm still trying to get it -- I assume it's a joke but there was no
smiley. :)

At least from a distance in the Netherlands, it seems like you're doing
a great job anyway, Paul! Digicool *gets* open source. It's not just
opening up code; it's opening up the process, and I'm very much
impressed by how Digicool is handling this. Feel free to quote me on
that (Martijn the open-source pundit ;).

Now-only-hope-this-is-indeed-profitable-ly yours,
