[Zope] Why doesn't this work?
Craig Allen
Mon, 10 May 1999 18:12:12 -0400
webman wrote:
> File /usr/lib/python1.5/DT_In.py, line 704, in sort_sequence
> (Object: objectValues(['DTML Document']))
I'm embarassed, bad explanation on my part. I have an integer property on each
document that I set to control the sequence in the list. The property is called
'order' (not a very good name) and is referenced here in the original code:
> <!--#in expr="objectValues(['DTML Document'])" sort=order-->
> <!--#in expr="objectValues(['DTML Document'])"-->
and see how it works.
- Craig
Craig Allen - Managing Partner - Mutual Alchemy
Information Architecture - http://alchemy.nu