[Zope] contrasting Zope vs. Vignette
Michael Bernstein
Fri, 08 Oct 1999 11:24:28 -0700
Michael Hirsch wrote:
> <stuff deleted>
> What is clear to me is that Vignette has much better marketing. As a
> developer, I really liked the fairly technical discussion I had a
> Digital creations. We talked a lot about _how_ Zope does what it
> does, but not much about _what_ it can do. Vignette had a pretty good
> canned presentation of the many things is can do, but very little
> discussion of how it works.
> <stuff deleted>
> Below I've put an edited version of what I sent my manager after the
> meeting. I would welcome any discussion of my comments. In
> particular, what did I miss or misunderstand? I'm a novice at Zope,
> so I'm sure that there is a lot I don't know, such as what prepackaged
> zope tools are there for dealing with workflow, cookies, browser
> detection and user tracking? How hard are they to implement from
> scratch? We'll be making a decision real soon and I need every bit of
> info I can get.
Have you taken a look at KM|Net News? http://www.zope.org/Members/tazzzzz/kmnn
It's got a basic workflow model for creating C|Net type news sites (which is
where Vignette Storyserver comes from anyway). As it's built on Zope, you can
customize it to your hearts content.
To see how C|Net uses Storyserver check this link:
Also, take a look at Squishdot, http://www.squishdot.org , it is another news
site type package, but one that focuses on user participation (modeled on
What are your sites requirements? The maintainers of both Zope news site
products welcome patches and feature requests, how responsive is Vignette going
to be to your needs?
I could be wrong, But I beleive that although Python is not as popular a
language as Perl, and therefore it is more dificult to find Python developers,
TCL developers are even more dificult to find.
For another perspective on Vignette Storyserver check out this link:
Michael Bernstein.