[Zope] Future of Zope

Martijn Pieters mj@antraciet.nl
Fri, 15 Oct 1999 17:09:02 +0200

At 16:33 15/10/99 , Johan Carlsson wrote:
> > We are also keeping an eye on developments in the Mozilla community,
> > and the things they are working on look like they could be very
> > promising as a foundation for eventually providing a much more
> > usable and robust interface to Zope without losing the benefits
> > of the through-the-web model. Such a thing would fit better with our
> > standards-based approach than a totally non-std java interface, and
> > using XUL and some of the other Moz technologies would allow Zope to
> > provide a rich interface and still remain easily customizable.
>And don't forget the ZIE-project using Microsoft's proprietary
>API to enhance the UI ;-)
>As I understand it, XUL is proprietary Moz-tech, right?
>With a web browser installation rate at approximately 70-30
>it's impossible to ignore Microsoft, where one likes it or not.

When Mozilla 5.0 is released, I can see that balance reshift the other way 
round in no time. IE5.0 against Netscape 4.x is M$'s win, certainly for a 
web site developer, but Moz 5 is an Open Source development. XUL can and 
will be implemented by others, because of that.

Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
| Antraciet http://www.antraciet.nl
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